Sunday, July 25, 2010

Yoga and Meditation and the worst meditation group ever!

In Patti we had this yoga instructor named Tanmay who almost convinced me on the last day that he was married and had two kids and was 27 years old... well he was actually 23 and got this joking manner probably from hanging around Dr. Paul so much.

Every morning we would wake up at around 6am and do yoga from 6am to 7am, the warm up was much different from any that I have done in the states, but the yoga positions themselves were basically the same, and I learned a few new ones as well. Our group in general was not very flexible so watching them would make me laugh and espeically on the mornings when it had been difficult to wake up, we would all zone out sometimes, which made it even funnier :) Tanmay did tell me however he was surprised by my flexibility, just a little flattering. After yoga in the mornings we would usually shower and eat breakfast, zone out, because the yoga wouldn't wake us up... we were all still exhausted from Dharamsala. (I also forgot to mention our shower and bathroom had cockroaches in it... I never saw them, but everyone else did)

Meditation however was another matter... we would do this in the afternoons from 6pm - 7pm. Our yoga and meditation master Tanmay is a very happy person and was always laughing about everything thus when we had to do meditation one day I couldn't help but screw things up...

We had just started our breathing exercises and I opened my eyes to see if we had actually started (sometimes it was difficult to know what was going on ) when I opened my eyes I saw Tanmay staring back at me (looking a little furious?! or he maybe was being funny... but I started cracking up. That was the end of that meditation lesson, we totally screwed it up... all four of us (Sarah, Katie, Alan, and myself) couldn't stop laughing, I was even crying I was laughing so hard! Tanmay had no idea what had gotten into us, and neither did we! We were supposed to be concentrating and letting go of our mind and body, and we were laughing up a storm! So Tanmay had us do laughing meditation... aka, laugh for 15 minutes straight... well thats harder to do than you think, even if you are already laughing hard. After laughing meditation, which was also a bust, we were somewhat punished by being told to lay down for 15 minutes, but then Tanmey just left us, and went up to the top of a near by hill and watched us for an extra fifteen minutes! We had no idea what was going on and eventually the bugs got to us and we all got up, afterwards Tanmay told us he didn't know why we kept laying there... we never got the hint to get up... hence why we thought it was punishment, Alan said he was laughing on top of the hill when he looked up after a half and hour of laying on the grass being eaten by bugs... haha

Our last meditation session we did a jibberish meditation and we also started laughing, but Katie and I were partners and we recovered and did the whole 15 minutes of jibberish, it was insane! Try pretending to speak Chinese or some other made up language, you will feel like a fool and a little funny for almost making fun of other languages you don't understand, crazy! Sarah and Alan were partners for this and they had to be separated because they kept saying crazy things and laughing like "yaba daba doo" and "chimichanga".

Things were just too funny with Tanmay, on the last day he kept calling me "bacha" which means child in Hindi, but I would tell him right back that he had a bacha in side of him, and Dr.Paul thought that was funny and suggested that we do an ultrasound because Tanmay was pregnant! Oh Dr. Paul...

We asked Tanmay if we were the worst meditation group ever and he just laughed, so that was a resounding yes!!! Getting eaten by the bugs at the end of meditation was probably the highlight in talking about meditation with our group, I guess other groups had had revelations and we were just sitting there scratching up a storm... we were the worst meditaiton group ever!!!!!

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