Sunday, July 25, 2010

The little girl that made me cry

There was one very memorable patient for me in Patti, it was a little girl who was carried in by her father(?) and she was wearing a really cute pink and blue dress. She was extremely pretty and reminding me immediately of that cute little Lucile (my sister) when she was a toddler, so I instantly started feeling a little homesick because I miss my sister.

As flies swarmed the little girls eyes, tears swarmed mine as we were told that she had a very bad case of conjuctivitis (you could tell immediatly that this little girl was in pain from the infection going too long without getting medical treatment).

Although I tried averting my eyes so that this girl couldn't see me crying, every time I looked up she was looking right at me. Her eyes, full of conjuctivitus, helplessness, the striking likeness to my sister overwhelmed me, I didn't leave clinic, but tried my best to hold back real sobs. As I cried silently in the corner, I could only pray that she would feel better with the medicine that Dr. Paul was giving her, and hoping that her father would bring her in sooner if further complications arose.

The feelings I had that morning were overwhelming because I wish I could have done more for her, my friends on the program with me told me later I should go into Peds, I know everyone at home would love that because of following in Gramp's footsteps, but I don't know if I could handle the feelings knowing that children need help and can't exactly get it for themselves, it was a hopeless feeling.

Before the girl left I gave her a "sticker" band-aid with a Disney princess on it, and put it on her arm because putting it on her eyes would have been silly... I only wish I could have given her more than a silly band-aid...

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