Tuesday, July 6, 2010



This morning again we woke up to the MONSOON rains! These rains are CRAZY!!!! The past few days they have been starting heavy in the morning and last until mid afternoon and they start to clear up. I am so glad I got my new hiking boots before leaving because they are Gortex and have a lot of protection from the HUGE puddles we have been walking through. Also essential is my new rain jacket, also Gortex, big lifesaver. I'd also like to give a shoutout to Kelsey's parent's rain pants, also very very practical and useful, thank you so much!!!

Today was my second day of rotations, I have not yet gone to the second doctor I've been following but followed Dr. Gandhi earlier this morning. Some patients today consisted of a woman that was meaning to take her medication and accidentally picked up the wrong bottle and poisoned herself, she was pregnant, thus last night they had to abort her baby. :( Very sad. We also saw a lot of MIs (heart attacks) and Dr. Gandhi showed us an irregular EKG which they call an ECG, oh and the ICU is called the ICCU. But on the irregular EKG the T wave was reversed and shows that this was in fact an MI, the patient also came in with a heart rate of 180! But he is doing much much better. I have also learned that here patients regularly self diagnose and are very non-compliant with whatever the doctors says to them. There were a few new patients we saw and I got to use my new stethoscope! There were also a few gone that had gotten better, but one had died (she was very old and had sepsis). Tonight we are going back to Dr. Gilhorta.

My friend Katie, who is doing the rotations with me is a first year med student and has been helping me understand a lot of the medical terminology and we look it up in her boards review book when we come home. She is extremely nice!

On the ride home in the Vikram (small bus thing that seats about 8 uncomfortably), Katie and I were asked to go to some guys house, we refused and he didn't follow us, so it was okay, but a good laugh afterwards. Our driver also was very wild, our Vikram broke down at one point and they had to restart it like a lawn mower. We also almost hit another Vikram, quite intense!!!! While walking home we also got stopped by a car full of a whole family, they wanted to talk to us, they were speaking in Hindi and I didn't understand them so I said "Mujhe Hindi samaj nahin atti" which means I don't understand Hindi, at first they didn't understand but then I said it again and they all clapped and seemed to understand. They then stopped and asked if we could take a picture with them (in India, there really aren't a lot of foreigners, aka people with white skin), so we did and they thanked us and drove off, Katie and I also had a laugh about this, so it was a very interesting commute today!

Well thats all for today!


1 comment:

  1. Glad the rain pants are working for you. What a great experience for you. Best of luck! - enjoy.

    Love Mr. G
