Thursday, July 29, 2010



So yes, we did try the MacDonalds in Dehradun last week, because... well... why not?! We needed to see what it was like in India! Immediately when we walked in there was a sign saying: "We do not sell pork or beef" and thus all they had was veggie everything and chicken. I was a little hesitant getting the chicken nuggets, because durring the first week of the rotation we at Kumar foods and I got sick from the chicken. We later found out that eating chicken in the monsoon season is not that great of an idea... unless you want things coming out of both ends!... Wonderful I know...

But I faired okay with chicken nuggets and the fries were exactly the same as in the US... I was pleased to know that McyDs has somewhat of a standard for what their chicken should be when served in other countries. I also felt a little at home becuase the food looked familar, even though I basically never eat at McyDs at home, only under dire situations...

This experience was also somewhat strang because beleive it or not... McyDs was Western central... aka all the white people in Dehradun we saw here, and we never see them anywhere else! Its kinda funny actually, when we do see other Westerners we get excited, almost as much as Indians because we are such a rarity here! At McyDs all the Westerners we saw were also dressed in traditional Indian attire, which we though was funny because all of us (Sarah, Katie, Alan, and myself) have not gone to that step yet... plus you look a little out of place, like an oxymoron or something...


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