Wednesday, July 7, 2010

No Monsoon Today, Just Sunshine


Today was extremely sunny and hot!!! Clinicals this morning went very well, Katie and I observed Dr. Gandhi and saw many patients and read another ECG, this time the T wave was increased which means left ventricle hypertrophy. We also saw a man that came in with very yellow eyes (white part) which means he had jaundice (liver failure). Another woman came in with dental pain, Dr. Gandhi called us over to look at it with the flashlight and the teeth were black and rotted right down to the roots and into her gums, remember to brush your teeth!!!! A girl came in with a kidney infection where they injected her with something and she left. The woman with cellulitus in the eye finally was well enough to open her eye, but her pupil was not responding to light so her optic nerve was being pinched due to swelling, she could also not see.

Tonight we also saw Dr. Gilhorta and saw a few patients, mainly ones with diabetes check ups. He told us that in 2015 the amount of people with diabetes in India will increase 2x and by 2020, every 3rd person in the world with diabetes will be in India. Just some interesting predictions. He also said his son predicts that Germany will win the world cup! We saw a man with ketoacidosis, extremely high amounts of sugar? turn to ketones, becomes very poisonous to the body. He also showed us how to read a chest x-ray, only how to tell what side of the chest the heart is on.

Today we also went to clock tower in Dehradun and had lunch at a place called Kumar foods, where I had chicken for the first time since coming to India! Very satisfying!!! We also walked around the markets, I bought a necklace and a present for Lucile, I won't say what, its a surprise Lucile!!!!!!! Love ya!

Well that's it for now,


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