On Friday the 23rd, (right before going to Agra) Katie, Lauren, and I went to the Buddhist temple in DehraDun, and it was simply wonderful! It was quiet, away from all the honking, although we did get accosted as always being asked to take pictures with strangers. I even had to shake this man's hand while the picture was being taken... I felt like some kind of representative.
Well in all pictures we get asked to be in, I feel like it is some kind of cultural connection, like they want to share our world/experiences and be friends (from a distance). I don't even know how many strangers' pictures I'm in, and what they will do with them... show their friends? "oh look, we saw these westerners" or put it on their desktop to their computer? frame it? who knows!!!!???
Anyways, at the Buddhist temple we got to go into the bottom of it, where the walls were covered in paintings and there was a wonderful Buddhist statue. It was so peaceful under there because you had to take your shoes off, so your feet were cool, plus they asked for silence in the temple. While outside the temple there was some kind of ceremony going on with the Monks, they were preparing to enter the temple and receive their vows (we learned this from speaking to one of the monks, he was very nice). There were also many many signs around the temple that were inspirational to mankind and your actions around the world... plus ones like "Do not eat peanuts" and "Do not show public display of affection" and many more (I did take pictures of them.
We also went over to the HUGE standing Buddha, covered in gold?! Around the outside of this big Buddha there were gardens and prayer wheels, it was a very wonderful place. I felt calm and relaxed, but Katie and I were gearing up for our weekend trip to Agra... we had no idea how great that Buddhist temple experience would be before the... dun dun dun... sleeper bus...
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